Can you wash or otherwise clean conventional fabrics to remove all
the toxic residues so that you’d end up with a fabric that’s as safe as
an organic fabric? It seems a reasonable question, and sure would be
an easy fix if the answer was yes, wouldn’t it? But let’s explore this
question, because it’s really interesting.
Let’s start by looking at one common type of fabric: a lightweight, 4
ounce cotton printed quilting fabric. In this case the answer is no
(and as you’ll find out, our answers will always be no, but read on to
see why).
The toxic chemicals in conventionally produced (versus “organically”
produced) cotton fabric that cannot be washed out come from both:
1. the pesticides and herbicides applied to the crops when growing the cotton and
2. from the dyes and printing inks and other chemicals used to turn the fibers into fabric.
Let’s first look at the pesticides used during growing of the fiber.
Conventional cotton cultivation uses copious amounts of chemical
inputs. These pesticides are absorbed by the leaves and the roots of
the plants. Most pesticides applied to plants have a half life of less
than 4 days before degredation.(1) So pesticides can be found in the
plants, but over time the chemicals are degraded so the amount to be
found in any bale of cotton fiber is highly depending on time of harvest
and how recently the crop had been sprayed.
Gas chromatography easily shows that common pesticides used on
cotton crops are found in the fibers, such as: Hexachlorobenzene,
Aldrin, Dieldrin, DDT and DDT. (2) Look up the toxicity profiles of
those chemicals if you want encouragement to keep even tiny amounts of
them out of your house. With time, as the cotton fibers degrade, these
residual chemicals are released.
We could find no studies which looked at the fibers themselves to see
if pesticides could be removed by washing, but we did find a study of
laundering pesticide-soiled clothing to see if the pesticide could be
removed. Remember, this study (and others like it) was done only on
protective clothing worn by workers who are applying the pesticides – so
the pesticides are on the outside of the fibers - NOT on the fibers
themselves during growth. The study found that, after six washings in a
home washing machine, the percent of pesticide remaining in a textile
substrate (cotton) ranged from 1% to 42%. (3)
If you’re trying to avoid pesticides which are applied to cotton
crops, you’d do better to avoid cottonseed oil than the fiber (if
processed conventionally) because we eat more of the cotton crop than we
wear. Most of the damage done by the use of pesticides is to our
environment – our groundwater and soils.
Before we go further, let’s do away with the notion that organic
cotton, woven conventionally, is safe to use. Not so. There are so
many chemicals used during the processing phase of fabric production,
including detergents, brighteners, bleaches, softeners, and many others
that the final fabric is a chemical smorgasbord, and is by weight at
least 10% synthetic chemicals (4), many of which have been proven to
cause harm to humans.
The chemicals used in conventionally processed
organic cotton fabrics make the concerns about pesticides used in
growing the crop pale in comparison: If we use the new lower chemical
inputs that GMO cotton has introduced, it’s now possible to produce 1
lb. of conventionally grown cotton, using just 2.85 oz of chemical pesticides – that’s down from over 4.5 oz
used during the 1990’s – a 58% decrease. So to produce enough cotton
fiber to make 25 lbs of cloth, it would require just 4.45 lbs of
chemical pesticides, fertilizers and insecticides. Processing that
fiber into cloth, however, requires between 2.5 – 25 lbs. of chemicals.
If we take the midpoint, that’s 12.5 lbs of processing chemicals –
almost three times what it took to produce the fiber!
There are over 2,000 different kinds of chemicals regularly used in
textile production, many of them so toxic that they’re outlawed in other
products. And this toxic bath is used on both organic fibers as well
as non-organic fibers – the fibers are just the first step in the
weaving and finishing of a fabric. (Make sure you buy organic fibers
that are also organically processed or you do not have an organic
fabric. An organic fabric is one that is third party certified to
the Global Organic Textile Standard. ) Fabrics – even those made
with organic fibers like organic cotton IF they are conventionally
produced and not produced according to GOTS - contain chemicals such as
formaldehyde, azo dyes, dioxin, and heavy metals. Some of the
chemicals are there as residues from the production, others are added
to give certain characteristics to the fabrics such as color, softness,
crispness, wrinkle resistance, etc. And these chemicals are designed
to do a job, and do it well. They are designed to NOT wash out. The
dyes, for instance, are called “fiber reactive” dyes because they
chemically bind with the fiber molecules in order to remain color
fast. The chemical components of your fabric dye is there as long as
the color is there. Many dyes contain a whole host of toxic chemicals.
The heavy metals are common components of fabric dyes. They are part of
the dye and part of the fabric fiber as long as the color remains.
And these chemicals are found in the fabrics we live with. Studies
have shown that the chemicals are available to our bodies: dioxins
(such as the 75 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and 135
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)) were found in new clothing in
concentrations ranging from low pg/g to high 300 ng/g in several
studies. (5)
How do these chemicals get into our bodies from the textiles? Your
skin is the largest organ of your body, and it’s highly permeable. So
skin absorption is one route; another is through inhalation of the
chemicals (if they are the type that evaporate – and if they do
evaporate, each chemical has a different rate of evaporation, from
minutes or hours to weeks or years) and a third route: Think of
microscopic particles of fabric that abrade each time we use a towel,
sit on a sofa, put on our clothes. These microscopic particles fly into
the air and then we breathe them in or ingest them. Or they fall into
the dust of our homes, where people and pets, especially crawling
children and pets, continue to breathe or ingest them.
In the United States, often the standards for exposure to these
toxins is limited to workplace standards (based on limits in water or
air) or they’re product specific: the FDA sets a maximum limit of
cadmium in bottled water to be 0.005 mg/L for example. So that leaves
lots of avenues for continued contamination!
The bad news is that existing legislation on chemicals fails to
prohibit the use of hazardous chemicals in consumer products -–and the
textile industry, in particular, has no organized voice to advocate for
change. It’s a complex, highly fragmented industry, and it’s up to
consumers to demand companies change their policies. In the United
States we’re waking up to the dangers of industrial chemicals, but
rather than banning a certain chemical in ALL products, the United
States is taking a piece meal approach: for example, certain azo dyes
(like Red 2G) are prohibited in foods – but only in foods, not fabrics.
But just because the product is not meant to be eaten doesn’t mean
we’re not absorbing that Red 2G. Phthalates are outlawed in California
and Washington state in children’s toys – but not in their clothing or
bedding. A Greenpeace study of a Walt Disney PVC Winne the Pooh
raincoat found that it contained an astounding 320,000 mg/kg of total
phthalates in the coat – or 32% of the weight of the raincoat! (6)
Concerns continue to mount about the safety of textiles and apparel
products used by U.S. consumers. As reports of potential health threats
continue to come to light, “we are quite concerned about potentially
toxic materials that U.S. consumers are exposed to everyday in textiles
and apparel available in this country,” said David Brookstein, Sc.D.,
dean of the School of Engineering and Textile and director of Philadelphia University’s Institute for Textile and Apparel Product Safety (ITAPS).
The good news is that there are fabrics that have been produced
without resorting to these hazardous chemicals. Look for GOTS! Demand
safe fabrics!
(1) “Degradation of Pesiticides on Plant Surfaces amd It’s
prediction – a case study of tea leaves”, Zongmao, C and Haibin, W., Tea
Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang,
(2) “Extraction of Residual Chlorinated Pesticides from Cotton
Matrix, El-Nagar, Schantz, Journal of Textile and Apparel,
Technology and management, Vol 4, Issue 2, Fall 2004
(3) Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1992 (23, 85-90)
(4) Laucasse and Baumann, Textile Chemicals: Environmental Data and Facts, Springer, New York, 2004, page 609.
(5) “Dioxins and Dioxin-Like Persistent Organic Pollutants in
Textiles” Krizanec, B and Le marechal, Al, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Smetanova 17, SI-2000, Maribor, Slovenia, 2006;
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